Mais alors peut-on accoler deux termes apparemment contradictoires « manager » et « innovation » ? Ne serait-ce par un oxymore rassemblant deux situations opposées : la certitude, la prédiction vs l’incertitude inhérente à tout processus d’innovation ?Manager l’innovation implique en tout premier lieu d’accepter et de faire accepter « qu’on ne sait pas où on va … ». Nous pensons qu’il existe 5 facteurs clefs de succès, inspirés de la théorie de l’effectuation*, pour apprivoiser l’incertitude et ne plus la voir comme un risque mais plutôt comme un fabuleux champ des possibles.
Can we linked “manage” and “innovation” while they are opposed ? Doesn’t an oxymoron with two opposite situations : certainty, the prediction vs the uncertainty inherent in any innovation process ?
Manage the innovation means first of all to accept and do accept “we don’t know where we’re going …”. We think there are 5 key success factors, inspired by the theory of the effectuation*, to tame uncertainty and no longer see it as a risk but rather as a fabulous range of possibilities.
“Don’t know where we’re going” is the first factor : it may be interpreted as a lack of confidence in a “classical organization.” For the “innovation manager” it is a fact that is driven by a deep conviction justify this leap into the unknown.
Secondly, the manager will have to do admit that the only efficient method will be that driven by the reality et not by the prediction. « Reality first », is by the situation control, detailed understanding of power relations at T time that the novelty will find its place in a market.
Thirdly, “Don’t be afraid”, the reality will be invaluable source of wealth by the continued acquisition of new means and
Published Wednesday, January 21 at 4h45 pm