Software and services to create value through innovation

Organize, structure and professionalize your innovation process.
Make innovation a daily collaborative practice.

The strengths.

The synthesis of all innovation methodologies.

The Vianeo approach synthesizes Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Blue Ocean, CK, TRL, POC, giving each method its most relevant place.

The map and compass for all your internal and external exploratory projects.

A unique platform to foster collaboration on your intrapreneurship, transformation and new business model projects.

Real-time monitoring of each of your projects and the entire portfolio.

Assessments, milestones, performance indicators and data-analysis at all stages of project maturity.

Digitize your innovation workflow : from idea to industrialization.

An experience.

Your customised innovation and transformation management workflow

Project identification, evaluation, selection and development.

  Your own digitalised workflow
  Centralized data, accessible to all stakeholders
  Refined, real-time management of the project portfolio

Your space for co-designing business cases for all your projects

For more efficient collaborative work in real time.

  Access to a Business Design method integrating most innovation methods
  An iterative and collaborative roadmap
  Operational deliverables: product/customer data sheets, Business Model, strategic framework, personas, usage scenario, etc.

You asked for committed and valued employees?

Love at the first sight: offer an amazing experience.

  Idea submission and follow-up
✓  Resources for project leaders
  An iterative & measurable progression
  An integrated pedagogy

A complete offer.


A complete incubation management platform


A platform for white label projects proposals (SaaS)

 Projects identification


A full-stack innovation management platform


From selection to tailor-made and scalable coaching.

  Integration of the call for projects part
+ Animation of a Business Design workshop for project leaders
+ Premium access to video content (Mooc)


Two complementary services


A Business Design Workshop for Project Leaders & Expert Certification for Innovation Managers.

  Your full-stack Incubation Management Platform
  + Training / skills transfer for managers
  + Individual Coaching for Business Design Certification
  + Joining Club Vianeo

It’s time to start.
They approve.

Vianeo, its method and tools, gives all employees the opportunity to innovate with an operational framework that is adapted to uncertainty while providing security. Certified coaches come to support employees and quickly take off in the management of projects. Developing new leadership skills, they become catalysts who give others the means to do! Transforming an organization through innovation is a long-term process and we approach this new approach with positivism and commitment. With Vianeo we learn (fast) by walking (fast)!

Marianne Gaulhet

Innovation Catalyst /Transformation Leader, GE Healthcare

Vianeo Business Design method is a strategic marketing tool to develop key competences in the context of innovation among employees, with a majority of engineers :
  • Making sense of the project in a context of uncertainty and complexity,
  • Explore business models based on concrete facts, verifiable in the field,
  • Integrate a posture of listening to market needs and define the right features thus reducing the time to market.
It links many innovation methods and is supported by a digital platform. It allows knowledge sharing on projects and definition of key differentiating elements, thus facilitating the progress and success of innovation projects.
Virginie Lehning

Marketing & Technologies Senior Coordinator, Technip-Energies

Ready to get started?

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