Our raison d’être

Business & innovation
serving the common good

Vianeo is concretely committed to face the current and future social and environmental challenges.

We are convinced that innovation is a privileged source of positive impact. Impact creates value. It plays a major and growing role in the sustainability of an economic model. The positive and tangible impacts it has on both its internal and external ecosystem consolidate the economic health of any innovation project.

Therefore, Vianeo is dedicated to promote the development of projects with positive social and environmental impacts. We are committed to ensure that our solutions to support innovation and transformation take into account this mission.

 Séverine Herlin, Founder of Vianeo.




Common good

Our means

1. Implementation of CSR actions

We work on three major fields: environmental, social and governance. For each one of them, our objective is to improve our own impact, whether internally in our daily work or with regard to external actors.

Our CSR actions and objectives are based on the following dimensions :

    • Environmental protection: waste management, team gardens…
    • Volunteer support for entrepreneurs: migrants, vulnerable groups, etc.
    • The integration in each training sessions of a person who has difficulty financing his or her training and who is working on subjects with an impact.
    • Well-being in our workplace, in our collaboration and the life of the team

    Our means

    2. Integrate impact criteria into our business design method

    We have embarked on a project to develop our offerings in order to better support impact project leaders and to raise awareness of social and environmental issues among all project leaders.

    Following a survey conducted with project leaders, coaches and investors, we identified two issues to be resolved:

      1. How to find the right balance between social/environmental impact and economic viability?
      2. How assess and add value the environmental and/or social impact of one’s innovative project?

    Launch of a group project

    As of June 2021, Vianeo has launched a Working Group composed of a dozen experts on the subject of impact and/or the entrepreneurial ecosystem :

    Manon Capitant

    Manon Capitant

    Support manager, La Compagnie Rotative

    Noël Bauza

    Noël Bauza

    Founder and CEO, Zei

    Christelle Brément-Fiant

    Christelle Brément-Fiant

    Head of Sales and Business Development, We Are The Drops

    Fawaz Maamari

    Fawaz Maamari

    Innovation consultant, Bee Onde

    Stéphanie Potok

    Stéphanie Potok

    Head of the business creation department, INRAE Transfert

    Judith Rozenblum

    Judith Rozenblum

    Project Director

    Marine Carvin

    Marine Carvin

    Partnership and Sponsorship Department, Apprentis d'Auteuil

    Sakina El Mghazli

    Sakina El Mghazli

    Marketing Manager, AllEnvi Solutions

    Adeline Vitrolles

    Adeline Vitrolles

    Development Officer, La Compagnie Rotative

    Roland Pesty

    Roland Pesty

    CEO, Pollen-Innovation

    Louis Harnay

    Louis Harnay

    Co-founder, Loqualis

    Marc Chaussade

    Marc Chaussade

    Executive Manager, AllEnvi Solutions

    Alain Salmon

    Alain Salmon

    Innovation consultant

    Grégoire Burgé

    Grégoire Burgé

    Innovation Manager/ Business Developper, AgroParisTech

    We would like to thank all of these actors who take part in the development of a better support for project leaders and the success of innovative companies, contributing in the common good.

    The outcome of this Working Group will produce a white paper that will enounce the fields related impact, integrated in the conception of an innovative project’s strategy.

    The work we do together is open source. Our information will be shared publicly. Do not hesitate to contact us, if you wish to participate in this Working Group and/or share relevant information with us.

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